Saturday, December 06, 2008

If I could, I’d just lay in bed.

I am avoiding unpleasant tasks, no matter how effortless. Not uncomfortable or physically taxing or mentally painful, no just unpleasant. Even if it’s slightly unpleasant, I’m unwilling to oblige. Like paying a parking ticket, the one I haven’t forgotten about, the one that keeps costing me more money with each passing day, the one below the computer screen at which I’m currently staring, you know the one tucked inside the small white envelope with the red writing on it, THAT ONE! But it’s not just that, more compelling is the ten page paper and the ONE page cover letter yet to be written. It’s the prospect of the four page paper with the ridiculously forgiving and permissive guideline. It’s the gut wrenchingly difficult decision to not reach for the Bic. Now that’s just the easy stuff. The science experiments simmering in the bathroom, kitchen, all around the talking picture box and the twin bed, those take some effort. Not much effort, just relatively long effort. And then the “debt and weight” mountains I fail to climb. Not to mention my constant thirst for validation…