Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Equally Valid

My new favorite restaurant sucks!

It's not been a blockbuster year for me, financially. My Blockbuster stock is down.

-The Office

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I'm in pain, every day. It changed me, made me a harder person, a worse person, and now, now I'm alone. You don't want to be like me.


Sunday, May 16, 2010


-Don't you ever get tired of your own cynicism?
-Oh weary as hell. What's the alternative?

-The Mentalist

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Something Wicked This Way Comes

So it finally dawned on me it's not that I'm uncomfortable out in public, it's that I'm uncomfortable out ALONE in public. Just by the virtue of being associated with someone, anyone, I gain acceptance and validation from the oh so, shuddersome public.

Cowardice Is Labeling What You Don't Want To Change As Innate.

-So I do something really stupid and you reward me. Read any parenting manual. It's not helping me. That's helping you.

-It's easier to say no to dessert than to pretend you don't eat.
-Says someone who's obviously never been on a diet.
-Oh, my life's a breeze!
-You're successful, smart, and you attract everything that moves. If you wanna focus on the fact that you're not gonna see 50, that's your choice.
-You know what, I agree with you. My self pity is optional. What about yours?

-Because if you were, you'd need to see the pain in her eyes so she could see the concern in yours.

-You won't even consider it?
-I did, just very quickly.

-I just want us to be friends.
-Funny, that's the last thing I want us to be.


Are You Experienced?

At the end of the day you have to be able to remove yourself from totally criticizing every experience or you never get to enjoy an experience.

-Mario Batali


Why would you celebrate the slowly tightening grip of death?

-The Colbert Report

The Warped Creation Of A Syphilitic Brain

I love the thrill of the chase. No 'love' can match the magnitude of of that euphoric single moment, that one unforgettable instant just before the offer of my soul is reciprocated by the object of my affection. The ecstasy of that moment, the nervous energy, the second guessing and fear, the intoxicating allure of acceptance, the fill it to the brim, trip the light fantastic, joy.

Suffer Well

-How do you put up with him all these years?
-We suffer well together.


Deal Or No Deal

Name one thing in this world that is not negotiable.

-Breaking Bad

The Illusive Fifth Base

I'm engaged in a battle only I know I'm fighting.

I'm chasing oh so many things, yet I don't move a muscle.

I want change, but an addiction to the status quo is a mighty force and I dare guess, a far tougher habit to break than meth.

A better exercise in futility I can't recall.

At the end of the day, I just yearn to be held wrapped up in the pillowy embrace of acceptance, free from worry or shame, accepted and validated, confident and purposeful, living in blissful equilibrium, in a word, content.

That's Just How We Roll Yo'

There is no greater incentive for a human male than a damsel in distress.
