Tuesday, March 14, 2006


I tend to end up right where I started. Of course I can look at this with a ”positive” bias and note the few happy times in my life. And utilizing said logic, I will end up being happy again.

But I’m not really a glass half full kind of guy.

Just playing the odds, I tend to be miserable far more often than I am happy and …

I know, I know, it sounds like a self fulfilling prophecy. Yes the all too familiar self fulfilling prophecy. If you think it, it will come.

I do have my moments of joy here and there, but lately there’s been little to cheer in Mudville.

Sure, I am going to Miami in 2 weeks and just got myself a spiffy new ipod …

But (cue broken record)

I’m broke, sad, and worst of all …


Can any more be gained by continuing to bang my head against the wall? Isn’t it far more logical to just accept my fate? Embrace the misery, misfortune, and solitude and be done with it?

This is how it is, how it has always been, and how it will continue to be.

Just as a Southeast Asian rice farmer was never meant to drive a German sports car, I was never meant to …

(fill in the blank)

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