Monday, December 12, 2005

Common Sense? Not really all that common after all...

The car has crashed, flipped over in the middle of a two lane highway. You're lying in your seat, upside down, dangling in the seatbelt and instead of thinking about how to get out to safety, all you can think is "How did I end up here?" and "How could I've avoided the crash?"

It seems like a very counterintuitive response, but seems to happen with astonishing regularity.

Gotta disengage the seatbelt any way I can, drag myself out, get medical attention, try to get someone to move the car from the middle of the road ...

Get out of the car

Get out of the car

Get out of the car

Worry about the rest when out of the car

Nothing else matters if the ABC's aren't there. Airway Breathing Circulation. If you ain't got these three, there's no point sweating other shit...

Get out of the car instead of worrying about why or how the car flipped over, how much it's going to cost to fix/replace, how to avoid future such crashes, how you're gonna explain it, how it's gonna make so and so feel....

Get out first

Nothing else matters without the ABC's...

Get Out!

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