Sunday, August 07, 2005

Great Expectations

As I am broke and everyone I know (except the folks) was either busy with their own life or unreachable, I had a lot of free time to "think" this weekend . "Thinking" for me is not such a good thing. It just reminds me of the harsh realities I'd just as soon forget.

BTW (by the way) is anyone these days truly "unreachable"? I mean with the cell phone, voice mail, email, text and im's, if someone REALLY wanted to (and knew how to go about it) reach me, he could.

So I don't think it's so much a matter of being unreachable than it is a matter of choosing to ignore those who are actively trying to reach you.

I've tried dropping out of society a couple of times and it was very very difficult, darn near impossible. Often my life is far less complicated when I keep people out of it, but it's also far less interesting. Of course this time around I'm not really actively keeping people out, they're doing a fine job of it themselves.

So the delicate balancing act continues as I keep people in their proper orbit, ensuring they remain within grasp, yet not so close as to crash and burn.

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